
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Vedic - 003 - Common Roots

Some commonly found verb roots are:

प्रछ् / praCh - To ask, question, interrogate, invoke
पृच्छति - Asks/ asking (3rd Person, active voice)
पृष्ट - Asked/ invoked/ interrogated

Note: पृष्टस् --> पृष्टः --> पृष्टो / pRRiShTas --> pRRiShTaH --> pRRiShTo

विश् / vish - to enter, go into
आ विवेश - has entered

सच् /sach - to be associated or united with / to accompany
सचन्ताम् / sachantAm - 3rd person middle imperative - may they attend

मंह् / maMh - to give/ grant/ bestow / effect. bring about
मामहन्ताम् / mAmahantAm - 3rd person middle imperative - may they effect / facilitate

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vedic - 002 - Personal Pronoun

1st Person

Nom: अहम् - I / वयम् - We
RV 4.42.2: अहं राजा वरुणः --> ahaM rAjA varuNaH --> I am King Varuna
RV 7.41.4: वयं देवानां सुमतौ स्याम --> vayaM devAnAM sumatau syAma --> we/ of Gods/ in favor/ may be -> May we be in the favor of the Gods

Acc: माम्, मा - me/ अस्मान्, नस् - Us
Inst: मया - by me/ अस्माभिस् - by us

Dat: मह्य, मह्यम्, मे - to, for me/ अस्माभ्यम्, अस्मे, नस् - to, for us
RV 1.24.12: तद् इन् नक्तं तद् दिवा मह्यम् आहुः -- tad in naktaM tad divA mahyam AhuH -- that / by night/ that / by day/ to me / - That indeed they have said to me by night/ that by day

नक्त - Night / नक्तम् - By Night
Abl: मत् - from me / अस्मत् - from us
Gen: मम, मे - mine / अस्माकम्, नस् - ours
Loc: मयि - in me/ अस्मासु, अस्मे - in us

2nd Person:
Nom: त्वम् - You / यूयम् - You all
RV 1.63.3: त्वं सत्य इन्द्र - tvaM satya indra - You O Indra, are true

त्वाम्, त्वा / युष्मान्, वस्
RV 8.92.27: त्वां नक्षन्त नो गिरः - tvAM nakShanta no giraH - You / reach/ our/ song
नस् --> नो
गिर् - Speech, voice, song
नक्ष् - To come near, approach, reach

Ins: त्वया - By you / युष्माभिस् - By you all
Dat: तुभ्य, तुभ्यम्, ते - To or for you / युष्मभ्यम्, वस् - To or for you all
RV 9.86.30: तुभ्येमा विश्व भुवनानि येमिरे - tubhyemA vishva bhuvanAni yemir - For you/ all/ beings/ stretch out

Abl: तत् - From you/ युष्मत् - From you all
Gen: (Your) तव, ते / युष्माकम्, वस्
Loc: त्वे - In you/ युष्मे - In you all


Vedic - 001 - The Root अस्

अस् - as - to be

Present Indicative
3rd Person: अस्ति स्तस् सन्ति
2nd Person: असि स्थस् स्थ
1st Person: अस्मि स्वस् स्मसि

1st person: स्याम् - May I ... स्याम - May we all

3rd Person: अस्तु - May it be सन्तु - May it all be

RV 10.40.6
युवं कवी स्थः -> yuvaM kavI sthaH -> You two / sages/ are -> You two are sages.

RV 1.98.3
तव तत् सत्यम् अस्तु -> tava tat satyam astu -> of you/ it/ true/ may (it) be -> May it be true of you


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


अव् - av - favor
to drive , impel , animate (as a car)
Ved. to promote , favour , (chiefly Ved.) to satisfy , refresh
(said of the gods) to be pleased with , like , accept favorably (as sacrifices , prayers or hymns)




Monday, August 15, 2011

ऋ ऋछ्

ऋ/ ऋछ् - RRi/ RRiCh - go, send

ऋच्छति - Move
इयर्ति - Move, Raise, erect, excite
Example: कनिक्रदज्जनुषं प्रब्रुवाण इयर्ति वाचमरितेव नावम् (RV 2.42)
इयर्ति वाचं - He raises his voice
ऋणोति, ऋण्वति



आरत् , आर्षीत्