i. In the first conjugation अ is added to the root
ii. Prior to that the final vowel and the penultimate short of roots take their गुण (guNa) substitute
The गुण (guNa) function is defined as follows:
guNa [इ, ई ] --> ए
guNa [उ,ऊ ] --> ओ
guNa [ऋ, ॠ ] --> अर्
guNa [ऌ ] --> अल्
ii. Prior to that the final vowel and the penultimate short of roots take their गुण (guNa) substitute
The गुण (guNa) function is defined as follows:
guNa [इ, ई ] --> ए
guNa [उ,ऊ ] --> ओ
guNa [ऋ, ॠ ] --> अर्
guNa [ऌ ] --> अल्
first conjugation[ भू ] => भ् + guNa[ऊ] + अ = भ् + ओ + अ = भव्
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