
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nala Damayanti - 01

आसीद् राजा नलो नाम वीरसेन सुतो बली ।
उपपन्नो गुणैर् इष्टै रूपवान् अश्वकोविदः ॥
अतिष्ठन् मनुजेन्द्राणां मूर्ध्नि देवपतिर् यथा ।
उपर्युपरि सर्वेषाम् आदित्य इव तेजसा ॥

AsId rAjA nalo nAma vIrasenasuto balI
upapanno guNAir iShTai rUpavAn aShvakovidaH | 1 |
atiShThan manujendrANAM mUrdhni devapatir yathA
upary upari sarveShAM Aditya iva tejasA  | 2 |

AsId = there was
rAjA = king
nalo/ nala = a person's name
nAma = name

There was a king called Nala.

vIrasena = a person's name
suto/ suta = son
balI = strong

The son of Virasena. Strong.

upapanno / upapanna from upa & pad = developed / having/ possessing
guNAir = qualities
iShTai from ichCh (wish) = desirable
rUpavAn = attractive
aShva = horse
kovidaH = expertise

Having desirable qualities, attractive and knowledgeable in horsemanship.

atiShThan = placed
manujendrANAM = among princes
mUrdhni = head
devapatir = lord of Gods i.e Indra
yathA = like, similar to

Leader among princes, like Indra, the lord of Gods.

upary upari = high above
sarveShAM = all
Aditya = sun
iva = like
tejasA = brilliant

High above all, brilliant like the sun.

There was a king called Nala, the son of Virasena, strong, having desirable qualities, attractive and knowledgeable in horsemanship. He was a leader among princes, like Indra, the lord of Gods, high above all in terms of brilliance like the sun.
ब्रह्मण्यो वेदविच्छूरो निषधेषु महीपतिः ।
अक्षप्रियः सत्यवादी महानक्षौ हिणीपतिः ॥
ईप्सितो नरनारीणाम् उदारः संयतेन्द्रियः ।
रक्षिता धन्विनां श्रेष्ठः साक्षादिव मनुः स्वयम् ॥

brahmaNyo vedavichChUro niShadheShu mahIpatiH |
akShapriyaH satyavAdI mahAnakShau hiNIpatiH ||
Ipsito naranArINAm udAraH saMyatendriyaH |
rakShitA dhanvinAM shreShThaH sAkShAdiva manuH svayam ||

brahmaNyo / brahmaNyaH - of Brahman

वेदविच्छूरो = वेदविच् + शूरो
= वेदवित् + शूरस्
= वेदवित् + शूरः

vedavit = knower of Veda
shUra = strong
niShadeShu = of the niShadha's
mahIpatiH = ruler

The hero was a knower of the Brahman, ruler of Nishadha.

akShapriyaH = axa + priya
axa = a kind of dice game
axapriya - a lover of dice games, or gambling
satyavAdI = truth full
mahAn = great
akShauhiNI = army consisting of ten anIkinIs or 21870 elephants, 21870 chariots, 65610 horse and 109350 foot soldiers
patiH = head

A lover of gambling, a speaker of truth, a great general.

Ipsito / IpasitaH = desired
naranArINAm = of men and women, of people
udAraH = kind
saMyatendriyaH = saMyata + indriyaH = controlled senses

Desired by people, kind and with controlled senses.

Desired by men and women, noble and one who was in control of his senses,
A protector, the best among archers, as if Manu himself were manifest in body.

rakShitA = protector
dhanvinAM = of archery
shreShThaH = supreme
sAkShAdiva = sAkShAt iva = as if, visibly present
manuH svayam = Manu himself

Protector, the greatest of archers, as if Manu himself inhered in him.

The hero was a knower of Brahman, the ruler of Nishadha, a lover of gambling, a speaker of truth, a great general, desired by people, kind, with controlled senses, protector and the greatest of archers. It was as if Manu himself inhered in him.


आसीद् राजा नलो नाम वीरसेन सुतो बली ।
उपपन्नो गुणैर् इष्टै रूपवान् अश्वकोविदः ॥
अतिष्ठन् मनुजेन्द्राणां मूर्ध्नि देवपतिर् यथा ।
उपर्युपरि सर्वेषाम् आदित्य इव तेजसा ॥
ब्रह्मण्यो वेदविच्छूरो निषधेषु महीपतिः ।
अक्षप्रियः सत्यवादी महानक्षौ हिणीपतिः ॥
ईप्सितो नरनारीणाम् उदारः संयतेन्द्रियः ।
रक्षिता धन्विनां श्रेष्ठः साक्षादिव मनुः स्वयम् ॥

There was a king called Nala, the son of Virasena, strong, having desirable qualities, attractive and knowledgeable in horsemanship. He was a leader among princes, like Indra, the lord of Gods, high above all in terms of brilliance like the sun. The hero was a knower of Brahman, the ruler of Nishadha, a lover of gambling, a speaker of truth, a great general, desired by people, kind, with controlled senses, protector and the greatest of archers. It was as if Manu himself inhered in him.

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