
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Panini Reinterpreted - 01 - First Case-Affix

Agent in agreement with verb
इश्वरोऽस्ति - God is/ exists
गुरुः प्रसीदति - The teacher is pleased
देवो वर्षति - it rains [देव = इन्द्र, मेघ]
सिंहः क्रामति - the tiger paces
आक्रमते सूर्यः - the sun rises
स्यन्दन्ते सरितः - the stream flows
प्रचरति रामायणकथा - tthe story of Ramayana circulates
वाति वातः - the breeze blows
श्राति पयः - the milk is boiling
जीर्यन्ति वासांसि - the clothes are wearing out
उन्मीलन्ति पङ्कजानि - the lotuses are blooming
निमीलन्ति कुमुदानि - the lilies are closing in

Object in agreement with verb
शास्त्रं श्रूयते - the scripture is learnt
देवोऽधीयते - the Veda is studied
धर्मश्चर्यते - dharma is practiced

Instrumental Pseudo-Agent in agreement with verb
काष्ठानि पचन्ति - fuel cooks
असिश्छिनत्ति - the sword cuts
स्थालि पचति - the cooking pot cooks

From: Panini Reinterpreted, First-Case Affix, Charu Dev Shastri, Page 3

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sanskrit Teacher - Lesson III


1st conjugation
[ वस् - to dwell] वसतः - [they two] dwell
[ वद् - to speak] वदतः - [they two] speak
[ चर् - to move] चरतः - [they two] move
[ पठ् - to learn] पठन्ति - [they] learn
[ दह् - to burn] दहन्ति - [they] burn
[ पत् - to fall] पतन्ति - [they] fall
[ नम् - to bow] नमन्ति - [they] bow

10th conjugation
[ पूज् - to worship] पूजयतः - [they two] worship
[ कथ् - to tell] कथयतः - [they two] tell
[ गण् - to count] गणयतः - [they two] count
[ रच् - to arrange] रचयन्ति - [they] arrange
[ स्पृह् - to desire] स्पृहयन्ति - [they] desire
[ पीड् - to give trouble] पीडयन्ति - [they] give trouble
[ सूच् - to suggest] सूचयन्ति - [they] suggest

1st conjugation
[ जि - to conquer] जयति - [he] conquers
[ नी - to lead] नयति - [he] leads
[ भू - to become/ is] भवति - [he] is/ becomes
[ स्मृ - to remember] स्मरति - [he] remembers
[ तॄ - to cross] तरति - [he] crosses
[ बुध् - to know] बोधति - [he] knows

10th conjugation
[ नट् - to dance/ act] नाटयति - [he] acts
1st conjugation
[ चुर् - to steal] चोरयति - [he] steals
1st conjugation
[ क्षल् - to wash] क्षालयति - [he] washes
1st conjugation
[ धृ - to hold] धारयति - [he] holds

From: The Sanskrit Teacher by Kamalashankar Trivedi (Pg 3 - 5) 

Sanskrit Teacher - Lesson II


6th conjugation
[ सृज् - to create] सृजति - he creates
[ लिख् - to write] लिखति - he writes
[ विश् - to enter] विशति - he enters
[ स्पॄश् - to touch] स्पृशति - he touches
[ दिश् - to show] दिशति - he shows

4th conjugation
[ नश् - to perish] नश्यति - he perishes
[ नृत् - to dance] नृत्यति - he dances
[ कुप् - to be angry] कुप्यति - he becomes angry
[ लुभ् - to be greedy] लुभ्यति - he becomes greedy
[ कुप् - to be angry] क्रुध्यति - he becomes angry

From: The Sanskrit Teacher by Kamalashankar Trivedi (Pg 2 - 3)