Agent in agreement with verb
इश्वरोऽस्ति - God is/ exists
गुरुः प्रसीदति - The teacher is pleased
देवो वर्षति - it rains [देव = इन्द्र, मेघ]
सिंहः क्रामति - the tiger paces
आक्रमते सूर्यः - the sun rises
स्यन्दन्ते सरितः - the stream flows
प्रचरति रामायणकथा - tthe story of Ramayana circulates
वाति वातः - the breeze blows
श्राति पयः - the milk is boiling
जीर्यन्ति वासांसि - the clothes are wearing out
उन्मीलन्ति पङ्कजानि - the lotuses are blooming
निमीलन्ति कुमुदानि - the lilies are closing in
Object in agreement with verb
शास्त्रं श्रूयते - the scripture is learnt
देवोऽधीयते - the Veda is studied
धर्मश्चर्यते - dharma is practiced
Instrumental Pseudo-Agent in agreement with verb
काष्ठानि पचन्ति - fuel cooks
असिश्छिनत्ति - the sword cuts
स्थालि पचति - the cooking pot cooks
From: Panini Reinterpreted, First-Case Affix, Charu Dev Shastri, Page 3
इश्वरोऽस्ति - God is/ exists
गुरुः प्रसीदति - The teacher is pleased
देवो वर्षति - it rains [देव = इन्द्र, मेघ]
सिंहः क्रामति - the tiger paces
आक्रमते सूर्यः - the sun rises
स्यन्दन्ते सरितः - the stream flows
प्रचरति रामायणकथा - tthe story of Ramayana circulates
वाति वातः - the breeze blows
श्राति पयः - the milk is boiling
जीर्यन्ति वासांसि - the clothes are wearing out
उन्मीलन्ति पङ्कजानि - the lotuses are blooming
निमीलन्ति कुमुदानि - the lilies are closing in
Object in agreement with verb
शास्त्रं श्रूयते - the scripture is learnt
देवोऽधीयते - the Veda is studied
धर्मश्चर्यते - dharma is practiced
Instrumental Pseudo-Agent in agreement with verb
काष्ठानि पचन्ति - fuel cooks
असिश्छिनत्ति - the sword cuts
स्थालि पचति - the cooking pot cooks
From: Panini Reinterpreted, First-Case Affix, Charu Dev Shastri, Page 3
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