एकं सत् विप्रा वदन्ति । (1)
एकं ज्योति बहुधा विभाति । (2)
कथं एकस्मात् बहुत्र उद्भवति । किमर्थं एकः विकरोति अनेकं ।
किं तत् ऐश्वर्यं अस्ति यत् अजं जनियोगं इव दर्शयति । (3)
कथं जानामि यत् वाचा अनभ्युदित येन वाक् अभ्युद्यते । कथं बोधामि यत् मनसा न मनुते येन मनः मतं । कथं अनुभवामि यत् चक्षुषा न पश्यति येन चक्षूंषि पश्यति । (4)
कथं आरोहामि शिखरात् शिखरम् । कदा पश्यामि विष्णुस्य परमं पदम् ।
(1) ऋक् वेद १.१६४.४६
(2) अथर्व वेद १३.३.१७
(3) Ref: Shankara Manukya Bhashya
(4) Kenopanishad - 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Wise men say that there is only One Truth.
It is one Light that glitters.
From One how is Many produced?
Why does One become Many?
How will I know That which speech cannot express but through which speech is produced?
How will I understand That which mind cannot conceive but through which mind is comprehended?
How will I feel That which eyes cannot see but through which eyes see?
How will I ascend from peak to peak?
When will I see Vishnus highest step?
एकं ज्योति बहुधा विभाति । (2)
कथं एकस्मात् बहुत्र उद्भवति । किमर्थं एकः विकरोति अनेकं ।
किं तत् ऐश्वर्यं अस्ति यत् अजं जनियोगं इव दर्शयति । (3)
कथं जानामि यत् वाचा अनभ्युदित येन वाक् अभ्युद्यते । कथं बोधामि यत् मनसा न मनुते येन मनः मतं । कथं अनुभवामि यत् चक्षुषा न पश्यति येन चक्षूंषि पश्यति । (4)
कथं आरोहामि शिखरात् शिखरम् । कदा पश्यामि विष्णुस्य परमं पदम् ।
(1) ऋक् वेद १.१६४.४६
(2) अथर्व वेद १३.३.१७
(3) Ref: Shankara Manukya Bhashya
(4) Kenopanishad - 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Wise men say that there is only One Truth.
It is one Light that glitters.
From One how is Many produced?
Why does One become Many?
How will I know That which speech cannot express but through which speech is produced?
How will I understand That which mind cannot conceive but through which mind is comprehended?
How will I feel That which eyes cannot see but through which eyes see?
How will I ascend from peak to peak?
When will I see Vishnus highest step?
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